Game Downloads

Game Downloads - Search results

space - 1053 occurences in 509 documents
shooter - 518 occurences in 346 documents

84 matching documents

Frenetic Plus
Frenetic Plus is a fun and addictive isometric shooter coded in Allegro. The official plot: "...Called upon to defend her nation in the midst of a civil war, [an android]...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games F

CyberDome is a great 3D space shooter that sports a very complex 3D engine for its time, patented under the name "SuperSet" engine. In this fun game set in cyberspac...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games Cm-Cz

Wing Commander 1
Review 1: When Wing commander shoved up in 1991, it was a major breakthrough in PC gaming. It had FANTASTIC graphics, good sound and great story. It set new standards, which...
Abandonware/PC/Simulations/Games T-Z

Mortal Coil: Adrenalin Intelligence
Mortal Coil is an innovative first-person squad-based real-time strategy game that plays like a poor man's version of Rainbow Six (years before that game was released). The ye...
Abandonware/PC/Strategy games/Games M-N

Bedlam is lackluster Space Invaders-style vertical shooter that packs a lot of gameplay variety in less than 200KB of space. Although the 4-color CGA graphics unfortunately lo...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games Bb-Bl

Duke Nukem 3D
Review 1: Duke Nukem 3D: just an average PC first person shooter, or is it something better? It may look rather simplistic and typical at first, but upon playing the game, i...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games Do-Dz

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future
Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future is yet another awful action game from Box Office, this time based on a 1987 TV series of the same name. The plot of the TV series ...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games Ca-Ce

Cosmic Crusader
Ah... the memories. Cosmic Crusader was the very FIRST IBM PC game I played. It was one of the pre-loaded software on our brand new 8088 IBM -- running at a whopping 8Mhz :) T...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games Cm-Cz

Geekwad Games of The Galaxy
Geekwad Games of The Galaxy is a collection of outrageous arcade games that parody well-known computer games. Unfortunately, gameplay doesn't quite live up to the game's parod...
Abandonware/PC/Sports/Games G

One of the best anime shooters I?ve ever played, Idinaloq is an amazing game that boasts an incredibly high production value that would have justified its release as a commerc...
Abandonware/PC/Non-English games/Japanese

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