Game Downloads

Game Downloads - Search results

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46 matching documents

Castle Adventure
Review 1: A nice little Roguelike game. Unlike most games of that type it doesn't go into the RPG direction, but more towards a classical text adventure. Calling the parser ...
Abandonware/PC/Adventure/Games C

This is a highly original game that unfortunately gets bogged down with extreme non-linearity. You are a superhero who has the special ability to take control of most people y...
Abandonware/PC/Adventure/Games D

Deranged Wizard's Castle
Deranged Wizard's Castle is a great "retro" adventure game inspired by Kevin Bales' classic Castle Adventure. You play an intrepid adventurer who goes inside the kin...
Abandonware/PC/Adventure/Games D

Dick Francis: High Stakes
Arguably Angelsoft's best game (alongside Stephen King's "The Mist"), High Stakes casts you as intrepid gambler Steven Scott who finds himself on countless misadvent...
Abandonware/PC/Adventure/Games D

Fred's Backyard
Fred's Backyard is one of the most original text adventures you'll ever come across. The game makes up for its primitive parser and lackluster writing with funny ASCII graphic...
Abandonware/PC/Adventure/Games E-F

Questprobe featuring The Hulk
The Hulk is a disappointing first instalment of the Questprobe series from Adventure International, which was produced in collaboration with Marvel Comics. Despite a 'Difficul...
Abandonware/PC/Adventure/Games P-R

Grail Quest
A well-conceived adventure that suffers beyond help from poor parser, boring puzzles, and lack of plot development whatsoever, Grail Quest is a good example of how not to make...
Abandonware/PC/Adventure/Games G-H

Guild of Thieves
Successor of Commodore blockbuster The Pawn, Magnetic Scrolls' Guild of Thieves improves upon its predecessor in almost every respect, although the charming tongue-in-cheek hu...
Abandonware/PC/Adventure/Games G-H

Hobbit, The
Review 1: Famous Tolkien's Middle Earth books were transfered to computer games and this was the first one (naturally, since it is the first book as well). The game follows ...
Abandonware/PC/Adventure/Games G-H

Hugo's House of Horrors
Review 1: You play the role as Hugo as you set foot in the Haunted House to rescure Penelope. A typing game, eg. Open door, get key etc, but features great pictures and anim...
Abandonware/PC/Adventure/Games G-H

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