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Heimdall 1

Review 1:

Heimdall 1 is a rather unique and special game. Its a mixture between an adventure, puzzle and roleplay games as several aspects of each genre is included. You start the game by choosing each viking you want to control. Of course each one of then got their own skills.

Once you start the game you can travel to many different islands and each of them offers many puzzles and other challenges like enemy vikings etc. The graphics are rather good and very cartoonish which does make some of the characters very well designed. Overall a rather good game.

Review 2:

Heimdall is god based on Nord mytology. His job is to protect the entrance to Asgard, the home of the gods, from all evil, including the terrible Ragnarok. Unfortunately Ragnarok is on its way... Funny characters and very exciting story. It has an isometric point of view, and good graphics.

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Heimdall 1 screenshots

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