Game Downloads

Game Downloads - Search results

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46 matching documents

Scooter's Magic Castle
Scooter's Magic Castle is a fun edutainment title from EA*Kids, a superb but sadly short-lived series by Electronic Arts. Set in a cartoonish castle environment, the game incl...
Abandonware/PC/Educational games/Games S-Z

Leisure Suit Larry 1 Remake
This is a remake of the first Larry episode, The Land of the Lounge Lizards. Sierra enhanced the graphics and music, so the game fits now on 4 floppy disks. The remake introdu...
Abandonware/Amiga/Games L

School House
School House is an excellent edutainment title whose concept was very innovative for its time. Although there are over 30 mini-games spanning a wide range of subjects, they al...
Abandonware/PC/Educational games/Games S-Z

Seymour Goes to Hollywood
If you haven't met Seymour before, imagine a relative of Dizzy the egg, who lives in the real world. He's a sort of slug-type thing, who wanders around with his little eyes bl...
Abandonware/PC/Adventure/Games Sa-So

Kathedrale, Die
Review 1: German text adventures are rare, good ones even rarer. Die Kathedrale by Weltenschmiede is one of those few good ones - together with Hexuma, Soul Crystal and a co...
Abandonware/PC/Non-English games/German

This hugely underrated game was also designed by one of the most underrated designers. (Peter Oliphant was responsible for many hits for Cinemaware before he joined Interplay ...
Abandonware/PC/Puzzle games/Games K-N

Advanced Xoru
One of the best text-based RPGs ever made, Advanced Xoru is an excellent but little-known shareware dungeon romp that is reminiscent of Infocom's Beyond Zork, but with a much ...
Abandonware/PC/Role playing games/Games #-C

Quarterstaff: Tomb of Setmoth
The "holy grail" of Infocom affionados, Quarterstaff: The Tomb of Setmoth is notorious for being the only Infocom game that was never made for the PC. It was instead...
Abandonware/PC/Role playing games/Games N-R

Super Star Trek
One of the best-loved earliest computer games, Super Star Trek is a cult mainframe classic spacecraft simulation played by countless college students in mid to late 1970s. Cel...
Abandonware/PC/Simulations/Games S

International Superstar Soccer 3
By the turn of the millenia, the ISS franchise was split into two games: Pro Evolution/Winning Eleven and ISS/Jikkyou. While the first are native to the PSX formats, featuring...
Abandonware/PC/Sports/Games H-J

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