Game Downloads

Game Downloads - Search results

freeware - 582 occurences in 447 documents

447 matching documents

Bounce Zone
One of the best Pong games I have ever seen, Bounce Zone is a 3D Pong game that is full of all the options you could ever want. You can change bat sizes, gameplay speed (altho...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games Bm-Bz

Tango Strike
Tango Strike is a superb freeware gem from Fallen Angel Industries, makers of such "klik" classics as Douglas Circumstance and Streambolt (of which you can read my r...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games T-Te

Nelda Nockbladder's Anatomy Lesson
One of the strangest games you'll ever play, freeware or otherwise, Nelda Nockbladder's Anatomy Lesson is a fun action game with a unique blend of puzzle elements: you first h...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games N-O

Akuji the Demon
Akuji the Demon is an excellent freeware platformer from Japan that puts many commercial titles to shame. The storyline alone is already a twist on the familiar "hero kil...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games #-Al

Another Zero
One of the most impressive freeware shooters I played, Another Zero is also one of the most difficult games in the genre, freeware or not. Three ships are selectable, each wit...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games Am-Az

The second and one of the last releases from Freeform Interactive, a promising freeware developing arm of, one of the best freeware sites that folded in mid-2001. R...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games N-O

Spirit Engine, The
The Spirit Engine is a superb freeware RPG/strategy game from Mark Pay of Natomic Studios. The game not only raises the bar for freeware games, but also introduces a unique (a...
Abandonware/PC/Role playing games/Games S-T

Triumph! War 2099
One of the best freeware games ever made with Klik & Play game creating program, Triumph! War 2099 is a cute, innovative, and fun mix of no-holds-barred action and real-ti...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games Tr-U

CloudPhobia is yet another excellent freeware horizontal shooter from Japan. Featuring excellent "mecha" designs that are reminiscent of Gundam series, the game look...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games Ch-Cl

Shogi Variants
Shogi Variants is a great freeware game for Windows 3.x and up that boasts a wide range of variants of Shogi, a popular Japanese chess game. The official description says it a...
Abandonware/PC/Strategy games/Games S-Sn

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