Game Downloads

Game Downloads - Search results

dylan - 13 occurences in 4 documents

4 matching documents

Dylan Dog - Through the Looking Glass (a.k.a. Dylan Dog 2)
The second game by Simulmondo based on the horror stories of Dylan Dog is a complete change from its predecessor Dylan Dog - The Murderers. With a better plot, combined with t...
Abandonware/PC/Adventure/Games D

Dylan Dog
Review 1: Dylan Dog is my favorite comic book character, but this game is not as good as I could have expected. Italian based company Simulmondo made this arcade based on on...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games Do-Dz

Dylan Dog: The Murderers Adventure
Abandonware/Amiga/Games D-E

Magicland Dizzy
Review 1: Yet another well made and simple game from Codemasters (also behind the Micro Machines series). You are this little round fellow (ball) and you have to collect dia...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games Ma-Me

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