Game Downloads

Game Downloads - Search results

activision - 32 occurences in 30 documents

30 matching documents

Warhead (from Activision)
One of the most underrated Elite-inspired space combat games ever made, Warhead is a cult classic Atari ST game published by Activision in 1989. The plot: Earth is being attac...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games W

Barrage is an excellent but little-known 3D shooter created by small developer Mango Grits, the same team behind two outstanding "rail shooters/adventure hybrids" Cy...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games Ba

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
Review 1: Everyone's favorite writer Douglas Adams was so nice to allow everyone's favorite adventure game company Infocom to create a game based on everyone's favorite book...
Abandonware/PC/Adventure/Games G-H

River Raid Remake
This is an obscure but excellent PC remake of Atari 2600 classic River Raid, a game that proves once and for all that female designers can design great action games as well as...
Abandonware/PC/Arcade action/Games Ri-Ru

Records of Warrior
Records of Warrior is a decent solitaire mahjongg game from prolific Taiwan developer Softworld. The game is a typical match-the-tiles game that many Western gamers recognize ...
Abandonware/PC/Strategy games/Games Q-R

NetStorm: Islands at War
NetStorm was the only game I ever had ever dreamed about and it will most likely stay that way. After nagging my parents for weeks, I received NetStorm at my cottage for my b...
Abandonware/PC/Strategy games/Games M-N

Lin Wu's Challenge
Lin Wu Challenge is a lackluster Mahjongg game from Lasersoft, a German developer. Like numerous other solitaire Mahjongg games, your goal is to remove 2 matching tiles at a t...
Abandonware/PC/Strategy games/Games J-L

Battle Zone
One of the earliest pioneers in computer gaming history, Battlezone is a solid PC port of one of the most celebrated games of all time. Battlezone is arguably the very first F...
Abandonware/PC/Strategy games/Games B

Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX
In the rarefied world of BMX racing, Dave "Miracle Boy" Mirra is a living legend in the extreme sports community. It is fitting, therefore, that Acclaim's Dave Mirra...
Abandonware/PC/Sports/Games D-F

CyberBykes (a.k.a. Shadow Racer VR)
Terrible cyberpunk racing game that could have been much more, CyberBykes sports unconvincing graphics, irritating soundtrack, and an extremely frustrating gameplay that takes...
Abandonware/PC/Sports/Games C

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