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Punisher, The

Review 1:

An original blend of action, adventure and strategy and my most favorite of all Paragon's comics games, The Punisher casts you as the title superhero who must amass $500,000 through successful completion of various missions to pay your informant of evil Kingpin's location, and finally eliminate crimelord Kingpin. Combat takes place in wonderfully diverse locations, including 3D minivan, underwater, and on foot. Cool items and exciting missions throughout make this one of the best PC adaptation of a comics license.

Review 2:

Comic-action-hero game, with lots of action. You are an actionhero and has to gather $500,000 by completing different mission. With the obtained money you pay en informant who gives away the hidingpiace of Kingpin, the crimelord.

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Source 1 - Download (506kB)
Source 1 - Manual (28kB)
Source 2 - Download (507kB)

Punisher, The screenshotPunisher, The screenshot
Punisher, The screenshots

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